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Debra Woods

Birth Consultant, Childbirth and Parenting Educator, Breastfeeding Educator, Postpartum Doula, Ecstatic Birth™ Practitioner, Doula Mentor

Service Area: City of Vancouver only

Debra Woods, Birth Doula

Debra's primary focus, having worked for 3 decades as a doula and childbirth educator is to share her extensive knowledge and wisdom with expectant couples and new parents. She provides consulting sessions for those desiring to understand more deeply, not only about the birth process, but about themselves and how they will navigate this utterly transformational journey. Sessions involve a very personalized approach, with one to one support/guidance that addresses each individual's specific concerns, fears and questions. Ultimately to explore, reflect, and shed light on what's real and meaningful for them. Topics can include understanding pregnancy tests, making sense of a previous experience (failure to progress, induction, cesarean, overcoming a traumatic birth, breastfeeding issues), planning for a VBAC/HBAC, for a homebirth, gaining clarity about induction and low fluids or big baby, GBS, and gestational diabetes.

For new parents, sessions focus on adjustment to parenting, making sense of your newborn's behaviour, normal infant sleep education, practical baby care, comforting and soothing techniques, baby wearing and understanding your newborn's attachment needs.


Debra completed doula trainings and a certified childbirth educator program in the early 1990’s. Over the span of 33 years she has taken numerous educational courses and attended conferences to keep well informed. She has supported hundreds of families during their pregnancy and parenting journeys. She continues to be passionate about providing accurate evidence based information to aid parents in determining what’s best for them. She is a member of the Doula Services Association and mentors new doulas. As a Certified Childbirth Educator she teaches The Doulas of Vancouver's Conscious Birth series and other short courses.  



"Many women have described their experience of childbirth as being associated with a spiritual uplifting, the power of which they have never previously been aware. To such a woman childbirth is a monument of joy within her memory. She turns to it in thought to seek again an ecstasy which passed too soon."  Grantly Dick-Read MD




"In a mere 3 hour session, Debra  had the exceptional ability to give my partner and I a huge number of helpful lessons that we have continued to use. Not only that but she inspired us to create a birth vision for our twins that was not fear based, high-risk or filled with doubt." 


Kim and David

"Debra first came over when our baby was one week old and we were majorly sleep deprived. She saved us! When parents say I can’t believe babies don’t come with a manual…well Debra is your “manual”. You don’t need anything else. Her advice is simple and natural…you don’t even need to write anything down. We had Debra back at 4 months for a check in as the baby was reaching a new developmental stage. She is extremely knowledgeable and experienced and most importantly I trust her."



"Debra's birthing preparation and post-birth classes were nothing short of amazing. Incredible teacher, highly supportive, and created a safe space to learn, share, and grow. We went in thinking taking 'a class' just made sense to do, but she had such a positive impact on us, she quite literally changed our lives." 


Zac and Ingrid

"Birth isn't something we suffer, but something we actively do and exalt in." 

Sheila Kitzinger

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with a birth doula of your choice.  

Contact us with this form for info on our classes or other services we provide (excluding birth doula care).

“Giving birth should be your greatest achievement, not your greatest fear.”  

Jane Fraser

© 2024 Doulas of Vancouver

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